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Art for Hospice

Colleen Astrike

Colleen Astrike, my grandmother, was always my biggest fan.  Yet it is her life, and not mine, that truly deserves recognition.  Grandma was an inspiration to all that knew her.  She prided herself as an active member of her community, seeming to never tire as she volunteered her time in numerous ways.   I have tried in my own way to reflect my grandmother’s generous spirit, and she gladly supported me in her ever-selfless way.  When I started Art for Hospice, she quickly became one of its strongest supporters.   Even before the project became a non-profit corporation, Grandma helped me purchase canvasses and introduced me to the administrators at the State Veterans Nursing Home in her hometown of Fayetteville, NC. I owe my grandma many thanks for all that she did to aid the success and expansion of Art for Hospice.   Her encouragement and support will always be remembered.  Thanks too, to everyone who donated to my grandma’s memorial fund.  The money that was donated to Art for Hospice in Grandma’s name, will  allow me to continue my own work with Art for Hospice in her memory, knowing that she would have been proud of what the project has accomplished.